Protection of the privacy of persons practiced with the profession of bailiff. Outline of the problem
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right to privacy
public officer
profession of public trust
personal data protection

How to Cite

Pieniążek, P. (2023). Protection of the privacy of persons practiced with the profession of bailiff. Outline of the problem. Zeszyt Prawniczy UAM, (13), 119–130.


The bailiff profession in Poland is of fundamental importance for the functioning of the justice system. The current regulations undoubtedly allow for interfering in the sphere of privacy of people practicing this profession. This article aims to show the relationship between the right to privacy and the profession of a bailiff. It will be important to discuss the issue of the right to privacy in the Polish legal order, as well as the legal status of the bailiff and statutory exclusions of privacy protection. The study uses a legal-dogmatic method: the existing legal regulations are analysed by referring to literature and case law.
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