Non-Fungible Token (NFT) as a subject of a contract
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Non-Fungible Token
nonfungible token

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Jurczuk, M. (2023). Non-Fungible Token (NFT) as a subject of a contract. Zeszyt Prawniczy UAM, (13), 79–88.


The purpose of this paper is to classify the Non-Fungible Token as an object of a digital transaction and the nature of its acquisition contract. NFT is a digital asset can represent various content and is not a subject to a univocal classification. The analysis indicates that an instrument of entitlement best serves the essence of a token. In a broader sense, NFTs are categorised as proprietary interest. A NFT transaction is defined as a contract for the exchange of cryptocurrency for a digital asset. It is an important obligation of a party to the transaction to provide information on the token before entering into the contract. When assessing the NFT, its metadata and available information should be analysed.
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