Identity on the borderland. Romance population of Eastern Serbia
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eastern Serbia

How to Cite

Nowicka, E. (2019). Identity on the borderland. Romance population of Eastern Serbia. Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta Et Studia, 25, 297–324.

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WszystkieOd 2020


The article concentrates on the analysis of ethnic identity of two romance groups living on the territory of Eastern Serbia: Vlachs and Cincars Aromanians).This area is a borderland, culturally, linguistically and politically; the situation significantly influences the ethnic identity choices of the two studied groups. The article is based on the data collected during three field studies: in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The author analyses in-depth interviews with Vlachs and Cincars, active in ethnic organizations and movements. Both aspects of the identity: psychological and behavioural are investigated, on one hand these aspects find expression  in utterances, and on the other hand in behaviours and activities of both studied groups.
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