Exports and the economic performance of large state-owned enterprises in Poland: evidence from firm-level data
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state-owned enterprises
economic performance
JEL codes: H82

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Szarzec, K., Nowara, W., & Olejnik, I. (2020). Exports and the economic performance of large state-owned enterprises in Poland: evidence from firm-level data. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 82(1), 265–282. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2020.82.1.18

Liczba wyświetleń: 521

Liczba pobrań: 308


The aim of this paper is to investigate the relation between exports and economic performance, and the extent of state ownership in the largest non-financial enterprises in Poland in 2011–2015. We address the following research questions: (i) What is the share of export companies in the group of the largest non-financial enterprises in Poland in terms of ownership structure (stateowned and privately-owned companies) and sectors? (ii) Are there differences in the economic performance of exporting companies compared to their non-exporting counterparts? Among the largest exporters, state-owned companies and companies from the manufacturing and mining sectors still dominate. Exporting state-owned enterprises have higher productivity than non-exporters, which could be caused by their dominant position on the domestic oligopolistic market. Exporting private-owned companies performed better in the case of ROA and ROE than exporting SOEs. This could be explained by the fact that private companies have a higher efficiency of property management and are expected to pay dividends by their shareholders. 

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