Myśli Heraklita – niedrukowane drobiazgi z przekładów Stefana Srebrnego (Heraclitus’ Thoughts: Unprinted Bits and Pieces of Stefan Srebrny’s Translations).

Słowa kluczowe

Heraclitus of Ephesus
unpublished Polish translation
Stefan Srebrny

Jak cytować

Appel, W. (2014). Myśli Heraklita – niedrukowane drobiazgi z przekładów Stefana Srebrnego (Heraclitus’ Thoughts: Unprinted Bits and Pieces of Stefan Srebrny’s Translations). Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 24(1), 5–9.

Liczba wyświetleń: 390

Liczba pobrań: 213


The author publishes several ‘thoughts’ by Heraclitus translated by Prof. S. Srebrny (1890–1962), so far unprinted, and compares them with three other and most recent translations of the philosopher’s aphorisms. It turns out that the value of S. Srebrny’s translation is unimpaired by time, and it remains to be regretted that not all of the Greek thinker’s surviving fragments had been translated into Polish by Srebrny’s hand.