Karenin’s ears, Grinevitch’s fingernails
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bodily detail
trompe l’oeil

How to Cite

Kraskowska, E. (2023). Karenin’s ears, Grinevitch’s fingernails. Forum of Poetics, (30), 88–97. https://doi.org/10.14746/fp.2022.30.38027


The article focuses on the presence and function of bodily details in Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. The bodily detail is defined as a single part of the human body (e.g., the ear, the hand, the finger, the nail, the nape of the neck, the calf, a lock of hair) that is noticed by the characters in the novel and/or by the auctorial narrator. An important point of reference for the analyzes and interpretations is the style of reading proposed by Vladimir Nabokov in his lectures on literature and Kazimierz Bartoszyński’s theory of rereading.

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