A Second Glance at a Stylometric Map of Polish Literature
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distant reading
multidemensional analysis
network analysis
Polish literature
Polish translation

How to Cite

Rybicki, J. (2017). A Second Glance at a Stylometric Map of Polish Literature. Forum of Poetics, (10), 6–21. https://doi.org/10.14746/fp.2017.10.26789


This articles presents the results of a quantitative analysis of frequently appearing words in a data set of over 2,500 Polish texts: Polish literature from the fourteenth to twenty-first century, and Polish translations from English, French, Russian and (to a lesser degree) other languages. The data set reveals a visible signal by type and by original language. The results also point to a definite stylometric specificity of Polish translations of Shakespeare, and their stylometric resemblance to Polish romantic and neoromantic dramas.

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