The paper discusses the possible applications of virtual reality in literature. The first part characterizes possible “love affairs” between VR and literature, as well as some critical considerations regarding “VR literature”. The second part analyzes in detail VR Nightsss by Weronika Lewandowska and Sandra Frydrysiak, considering previous media realization of the poem Nightsss, i.e. the narrative axis of that experience. The analysis is based on the concept of an embodied act of reading and describing a poetic VR experience as one in which the recipient becomes the subject (experiencing) a lyrical situation.
Selected: This work was supported by the Bekker NAWA Programme under grant BPN/BKK/2021/1/00006/U/00001 Poszerzone przestrzenie opowieści i ucieleśniony akt lektury [Extended spaces of stories and an embodied act of reading]
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