Geneza konfliktu etiopsko-erytrejskiego

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Gebru, S. (2003). Geneza konfliktu etiopsko-erytrejskiego. Investigationes Linguisticae, 9, 51–63.

Liczba wyświetleń: 224

Liczba pobrań: 790


The source of Ethio-Eritrean conflict was Italian colonization of Eritrea officially in 1890. Eritrea was an integral part of Ethiopia and it was very attractive for foreign intervention because of being situated on the coast of the Red Sea. It was treated as a military base to attack and occupy whole Ethiopia. In 1896 and in 1935-1936, Eritreans were forced to fratricidal fights. After Italian defeat during WWII in 1941 Eritrea fell under British administration and different parties were formed at the time. On the basis of the United Nations’ resolution in 1952, the Ethiopian-Eritrean Federation came into being which meant discrimination and emigration for many Eritreans. Lastly in 1962, Eritrea became a province of Ethiopia which led to a bloody war lasting 30 years. During the war separation feeling became very strong among Eritreans and their hate to Ethiopians increased because of their persecution by the Ethiopian government. In 1991 Eritrea won the war and in 1993 became a state. Then, a conflict between two former friends that means the leader of Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the later Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Melese Zenawi and the President of Eritrea Issayas Afewerki brought a new bloody war in 1998.


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