Legal Definitions in English, Hungarian and Polish Statutory Instruments

Jak cytować

Kaczmarek, K., & Matulewska, A. (2006). Legal Definitions in English, Hungarian and Polish Statutory Instruments. Investigationes Linguisticae, 13, 86–101.


This article is to explain and compare the structure of legal definitions in English, Hungarian and Polish statutory instruments. Legal definitions are a tool enabling to make terms and legal texts more precise and unambiguous. There is a wide array of legal definitions. The following definitions will be discussed in this article: (i) definitions in the form of glossaries, (ii) bracket definitions within clauses, and (iii) non-bracket definitions within clauses. The following types of definitions will be compared: (i) parity definitions (1. classic definitions, 2. limited classic definitions, 3. non-classic definitions and within that category especially incomplete, complete, complete blank and partial definitions, 4. aggregative definitions), (ii) non-parity definitions (1. iconographic definitions and 2. conditional definitions).


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Uchwała no . 1 47 Rady Ministrów z dnia 5 li stopada 1 9 9 1 r w sprawie techniki prawodawczej.

Ustawa z dnia 1 5 września 2000 - Kodeks spółek handlowych (KH).

Ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 r. - Kodeks cywilny (KC).

Ustawa z dnia 28 lutego 2003 r. - Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze (PUIN).

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