Rejestracja, transkrypcja i tagowanie mowy oraz gestów w narracji dzieci i dorosłych

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Karpiński, M., Jarmołowicz-Nowikow, E., Malisz, Z., Szczyszek, M., & Juszczyk, K. (2008). Rejestracja, transkrypcja i tagowanie mowy oraz gestów w narracji dzieci i dorosłych. Investigationes Linguisticae, 16, 83–98.

Liczba wyświetleń: 219

Liczba pobrań: 188


In the present paper, the experimental procedure, the details of sound and video recording set-up as well as the system for speech and gesture transciption and coding used in the Polish Cartoon Narration Corpus (PCNC) project are described. The audio-visual data come from a cartoon narration task performed by both children and adults. The recordings are transcribed orthographically and phonemically, and labelled for selected phenomena on a number of levels, including gesture, lexicon, prosody, and dialogue acts.


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