Ilustracja książek dla dzieci jako źródło dylematów tłumacza - na przykładzie dwóch niemieckich przekładów Le Petit Prince Antoine’a de Saint-Exupéry’ego
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Sommerfeld, B. (2019). Ilustracja książek dla dzieci jako źródło dylematów tłumacza - na przykładzie dwóch niemieckich przekładów Le Petit Prince Antoine’a de Saint-Exupéry’ego. Investigationes Linguisticae, 39, 98–110.

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The article deals with translator’s dilemmas in the context of picturebooks on the example of the new translations of the French classic “Le Petit Prince” by  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Given the intermedia character or illustrated books for children, their translation is a very demanding task. It requires ‘visual literacy’, the ability of ‘reading’ and understanding pictures. The way, in which the translators cope with the interplay between the verbal and the visual, so essential for picturebooks, allows to discern their translation strategies. The examined examples point out the discrepancies between domesticating translation and the original illustrations and also the impact of new illustration on the target text. The example of Hans Magnus Enzensberger shows to what extent the original illustrations can be a disruptive factor in adapting translation, so that the only solution is to ignore the intermedia character of the source text. Such manipulation results in the empoverishment of the text. In the case of Peter Sloterdijk his demand for new illustrations can be considered as a consequence of the re-contextualization, that can be observed in his translation.
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