Rejuvenation of Cooperation in Education and Science between Poland and Indonesia after the Normalization of Bilateral Relations
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Gumilar, T., & Zozula, D. (2016). Rejuvenation of Cooperation in Education and Science between Poland and Indonesia after the Normalization of Bilateral Relations. Investigationes Linguisticae, 35, 63–72.

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Since the normalization of bilateral relations between Poland and Indonesia in 1992 we have been observing a steady growth, particularly in the educational and scientific cooperation between thw two countries. The accession of Poland to the European Union have made this country a more attractive destination for foreign students. The number of Indonesians studying in Poland increases year over year. This fact is strengthened through the establishment of Indonesian Students Association in Poland (PPI Polandia). Polish citizens are among largest groups of Darmasiswa recipients - a scholarship program provided by the Indonesian government. In this paper the authors trace the records of cooperation in the field of education and science during the eras before and after the normalization of bilateral relations of both countries as well as the situation observed in recent years. This issue needs further exploration regarding the possibility of more data available in Indonesian sources of records.
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