E-learning in Poland and around the world
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How to Cite

Korcz, P., & Matulewski, M. (2006). E-learning in Poland and around the world. Investigationes Linguisticae, 13, 135–149. https://doi.org/10.14746/il.2006.13.9


The paper deals with distance learning via IT systems. The authors presented types and models of e-learning. Next, the tools designed for creating and using the e-learning sources are described. Moreover, the offer of distance-learning courses on offer by Polish and worldwide universities is reviewed. The authors describe the operation mechanisms applied by universities and specializations offered by them. Finally, a short comparative characteristics of traditional teaching and e-learning is given. In conclusion the advantages and disadvantages of distant learning are discussed. 
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Źródła internetowe

Ośrodek Kształcenia na odległość przy Politechnice Warszawskiej (http : //pamctr.uni.lodz.pl - 30 listopad 2006).

Polsko Amerykańskie C entrum Zarządzania (PAM Center), (http : //pamctr.uni.lodz.pl/ - 30 listopad 2006).

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