Language as an Element of the Extended Phenotype: A Contribution to the Application of the Extended Phenotype Concept in Linguistic Research
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Krysiak, A. P. (2010). Language as an Element of the Extended Phenotype: A Contribution to the Application of the Extended Phenotype Concept in Linguistic Research. Investigationes Linguisticae, 24, 95–106.

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This paper discusses evolutionary and neurobiological approaches to linguistic research. The role and significance of the co-evolution processes of language and the brain are highlighted. Thus language is regarded as a product of natural selection, shaped by the brain (but the influence is mutual). The author also indicates a possibility of applying the extended phenotype concept to the study of language. That original idea implies the perception of language as a neuromimesis-based phenotypic expression of the biological and cultural replicators outside the organism’s body.
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