Język w społeczeństwie informacyjnym. Wybrane zagadnienia .

Jak cytować

Borowiak-Dostatnia, M. (2011). Język w społeczeństwie informacyjnym. Wybrane zagadnienia . Investigationes Linguisticae, 24, 11–26. https://doi.org/10.14746/il.2011.24.1

Liczba wyświetleń: 436

Liczba pobrań: 161


In this paper the author asks questions concerning a language: its role, place and function in the information society. Finding the answers she defines the issues by categorizing the concept of a language in relation to its users and the ICT tools used by these users. As a result they fall into three categories: 1. unintentional users, 2. intentional users and 3. pre-users; each with a set of ICT tools assigned to their group.



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