The aim of this paper is to confront the economic fate of 2014 graduates of selected atypical degree courses as second-degree studies with opinions and information contained in reports and resolutions of the Presidium of the Polish Accreditation Committee. This combination will be used to verify the hypothesis that the PKA reports and assessments do not always contain information that could be useful in choosing the field of study.
European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education. (2013). Assessment report: European Master of Law and Economics. https://www.eurashe.eu/library/quality-he/JOQAR_Pannel%20Report%20EMLE.pdf [10.06.2018].
Kistryn, S. i in. (2017). Tradycja akademicka i „postępowa zachowawczość”. Forum Akademickie. 7–8. https://prenumeruj.forumakademickie.pl/fa/2017/07-08/tradycja-akademicka-i-postepowa-zachowawczosc/ [10.06.2018].
Strony internetowe
https://ec.europa.eu/education/policy/higher-education/quality-revelance_pl [10.06.2018].
https://www.ela.nauka.gov.pl [10.06.2018].
https://www.eqar.eu [10.06.2018].
https://www.pka.edu.pl [10.06.2018].