Educational bubble? The indebtedness of American students and the challenges of policy towards higher education
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United States of America
student debt
higher education policy
discourse analysis

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Rybkowski, R. (2018). Educational bubble? The indebtedness of American students and the challenges of policy towards higher education. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(51), 97–115.


Since 2004 the combined student debt in the United States has grown by more than one trillion dollars! This “educational bubble”, as it is sometimes referred to, makes university administration and some politicians aware that some kind of government intervention is urgently necessary. The paper presents four main problems, used also as the illustration of broader research projects: the definition of higher education policy as a part of broader public policy; the use of student credits as the means of providing more inclusive higher education; the role of discourse (and discourse analysis) in forming and analyzing higher education policy; and the importance of discussing foreign higher education systems for developing the effective Polish higher education policy. The evidence-based policy approach requires the critique of foreign experiences and solutions that builds better understanding of their successes and failures. The main reason is to avoid the errors the others already made.
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