The claim of the paper is that postulates of law making, as well as of analyzing law on the basis of thescientific knowledge on the behavioral regularities lead to paradoxical consequences. I present basic assumptions of the behavioral approach to analysis of law and the reasoning which results in the paradox. In the contemporary research on law, one may observe an increasing interest, especially in the United States and Western Europe, in the development and outcomes of behavioral sciences. References to these sciences are justified from the theoretical perspective (behavioral theories and methods should enable better understanding of the behavioral impact of law), as well as from the policy perspective (they should make possible more effective influences on people’s behavior). In the paper I analyze whether current findings of behavioral sciences allow for formulating such far-reaching conclusions concerning the content of legal norms and their behavioral impact. It will be demonstrated how paradoxes could be avoided, when taking into account concepts and analyses of Leon Petrażycki, especially methodological aspects of his work.
Polish National Science Centre grant DEC-2012/07/N/HS1/01560
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