Three ends of ideology – the most important approches to the problem in the twentieth century
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end of ideology

How to Cite

Świrek, K. (2013). Three ends of ideology – the most important approches to the problem in the twentieth century. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(41), 43–55. Retrieved from


Today’s critique of ideology faces three influential concepts, that defined the understanding of ideological phenomenons in twentieth century. The first one of them was developed within the theory of totalitarianism. It perceived ideology as quasi-logical doctrine, justifying terror and absolute power. The second one was the end of ideology thesis. Ideology was conceived in it as a set of doctrines that mix up political and metaphysical issues. The last one was poststructuralist critique of the notion of ideology, as relying on naïve epistemological concepts. Author presents those three concepts, and tries to show their limitations from the point of view of contemporary ideology critique.
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