Prawdy biznesu i kłamstwa akademii – porządek dyskursu o szkolnictwie wyższym w Polsce
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analiza dyskursu
szkolnictwo wyższe
dyskurs medialny
strategie hierarchizacji

How to Cite

Ostrowicka, H., & Stankiewicz, Łukasz. (2019). Prawdy biznesu i kłamstwa akademii – porządek dyskursu o szkolnictwie wyższym w Polsce. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1-2(53-54), 135–153.


The article presents the results of the analysis of the strategies of hierarchization in public utterances which appeared in the media debate over unemployment among university graduates. The aim of the investigation was to grasp the way the procedures of discourse control, which were introduced into the public debate over higher education in Poland, interact with one another to produce and reinforce a particular “truth” about the university. The objects of our analysis were the ways of identifying the following places by the media actors: a) the privileged positions from which the truth of a given social order is told and within which the common good may be expressed, and b) the positions which are opposite to the latter and from which only a particular interest and “populist” demands can be articulated. These two categories in the debate were successively filled by the following groups: entrepreneurs (bearing witness to the truth about the low level of instruction at universities) and the representatives of social sciences and humanities defending themselves against these accusations. The diversity of argumentative strategies was revealed at the three levels of the order of discourse, namely, hierarchization of responsibility, hierarchization of access to the truth and hierarchization of interests.
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