Diagnosis of the status quo in higher education as well as challenges and goals of the system as presented in OECD report Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society
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tertiary education
higher education
managing higher education
financing higher education
internationalisation of higher education
academic career
academic teachers

How to Cite

Dąbrowa-Szefler, M. (2009). Diagnosis of the status quo in higher education as well as challenges and goals of the system as presented in OECD report Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(33), 56–78. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/3102


The author discusses the recent key problems of the higher education system as well as goals and tasks for the futurę, as presented in the two-volume OECD report (Paolo Santiago, Karinę Tremblay, Ester Basri, Elena Arnal: Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society, vol. 1: Special Features: Governance, Funding, Quality, vol. 2: Special Features: Equity, lnnovation, Labour Market, Internationalisation, OECD, Paris 2008). She presents the views expressed by the report authors (eminent experts) on the following issues: (1) key developments of tertiary education in the last four decades; (2) governance problems in tertiary education (including the role of the State and market, autonomy of universities); (3) the financing of tertiary education (inclcluding tuition fees); 4) changes in the naturę and significance of academic career and the status of an academic teacher; (5) selected aspects of internationalisation of higher education. The discussion brings in interesting data on those specific issues, as mentioned by the report authors.

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