International mobility of scholars: Gender and family status as differentiating factors?


international mobility
international co operation
academic career
academic teaching staff and academic research staff with teaching commitments
balancing research career and family

How to Cite

Walczak, D. (2010). International mobility of scholars: Gender and family status as differentiating factors?. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1-2(35-36), 103–116. Retrieved from


On the one hand, international mobility of Polish researchers represents a development opportunity for Polish Sciences and humanities (through promotion of Poland’s scholarly achievements around the world and Polish scholars’ participation in international projects and debates). On the other hand, however, mobility also entails the risk of the best scholars to migrate to other countries where research conditions and facilities are much better than those available in Poland. Motivations do not boil down to higher to salaries but are also related to access to research facilities and most recent academic literaturę, opportunities to work with the most renowned scholars, in an atmosphere of unconstrained intellectual exchange. Considering this double role of mobility for Polish research and academia, it seems reasonable to take a look at the occupational opportunities and academic careers of Polish scholars. We still lack systematic and comprehensive studies on Polish scholars’ mobility and their participation in international academic co-operation, including studies which include the gender perspective and draw attention to similarities and differences between women and men in the context of readiness for mobility. This is increasingly important given the growing share of women in the academia and in higher education at large. The author analyses the role of gender and family status of mobile scholars in the decision-making process and assessment of potential usefulness of an international fellowship.



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