Knowledge Capital and economic achievements versus the dynamics of socio-economic growth in countries
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knowledge capital
economic growth
total factor productivity

How to Cite

Soszyńska, E. (2011). Knowledge Capital and economic achievements versus the dynamics of socio-economic growth in countries. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(37), 178–212. Retrieved from


This article contributes to the discussion concerning the relation between knowledge Capital and economic growth. The author draws on theoretical background and empirical verification in order to analyse the relation between human capital (educational Capital) and countries' economic performance and economic growth. The analysis also looks at the nexus R&D capital and economic growth, both directly and indirectly, through the total factor productivity channel. The paper discusses, among others, the interaction between educational capital and R&D capital on the one hand, and, on the other, the country distance from the world technology frontier. Other essential drivers of economic growth and TFP growth are also explored.

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