Educational activity of centers of higher education in the sustainability concept
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sustainable development
balanced education
balanced higher education institutions

How to Cite

Pabian, A. (2012). Educational activity of centers of higher education in the sustainability concept. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(39), 134–141. Retrieved from


Education in the sustainability concept is a young, currently developing trend in the world in the area of sustainable science. The appearance of this concept is the effect of increasing global environmental and social problems. The deteriorating medical condition of our planet is threatening the existence of future generations. Education, respecting principles of balanced development, is supposed to contribute to the creation of a balanced society (sustainable society) which functioning will weaken these negative trends. It is particularly significant that it is implemented in higher education institutions, which graduates - after taking up work - are affecting the functioning of various organizations forming the State and its economy. The balanced education requires the environment-friendly and pro-social transformation of senior staffs of the colleges, their scientific-teaching staff, financial and immaterial Stores and school curricula.

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