The author of the text is analysing the organizational patterns of the Polish higher education using international empirical data gathered in 11 countries of Europe (N = 17 212, projects of academic EUROAC and CAP academical staff research). His main research question reads as follows: in what extent does the theoretical model of the joint authority fit into the reality of Polish universities, examined on above 3700 Polish representatives of the academic staff? The reply is contextual and relative: we are presenting Polish universities in the context of universities functioning in 10 countries of Europe (Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Italy, Norway, Portugal and Great Britain). The emerging from the examinations conflict between the vision of a university seen by academic community (i.e. an institutional model of the “community of researchers”, based on academic traditional values) and his vision shared by the community of reformers and political decision-makers (i.e. the instrumental model) has a fundamental meaning for the fate of the reforms of higher education in Poland.
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