The author presents the current limitations and developmental requirements of higher education against the context, that the higher education institutions in Poland are situated in, due to the systemic transformation taking place in the country. On the ground of the evaluation of the situation, the author presents the general directions of the higher education change, also he proposes actions, that should be undertaken at the individual institutions. Accepting the postulate concerning the necessity of the higher vocational education development, the author formulates the postulate regarding its universality. This signifies, that the vocational courses have to be introduced to the autonomous institutions of higher education as well. In such the context, the unique model of combining the vocational and M.A. degree courses within the same department, described as the flexible Y model, is presented. In the final paragraphs, the postulate to introduce to higher education institutions, so called, rationalization programs of II level, adjusted to the local specifics, was presented. The adjustment and development programs should form the basis of the pro-effectiveness changes continuation in the higher education. The author emphasizes however, that the range of desired transformations is determined by the proper policy of the Ministry of National Education, supported by the budgetary decisions of the Parliament.
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