Elective Courses from Students’ Perspective
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How to Cite

Ciekot, K. (2016). Elective Courses from Students’ Perspective. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(10), 89–97. Retrieved from https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/nsw/article/view/4396


The article treats the problem of the place and function of the block of subjects in the humanities and management in the course of studies of a technical university. In Wrocław University of Technology, where the study was conducted, students elect particular courses from a block as electives. The authoress shows that the elective part of the curriculum may perform many functions, among others preparing students to make rational and responsible decisions. The necessary condition in this case, however, is an attractive programme offer, well prepared information about the courses available and efficient organisation of enrolment in these courses. In this context the authoress discusses the findings of studies of the motives that guide students in the selection of particular courses. In conclusion she finds an increasing share of substantive reasons, which are starting to outweigh haphazard choices.

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