The aim of the paper is to explore the use of the new institutional perspective in the research of transformation of the Polish higher education. The paper viewpoint is that world society exercises massive influence on national systems of higher education and they tend to evolve into system convergence. This process is particularly well observed in countries like Poland that after decades of isolation became widely exposed to transnational trends which in the past had shaped higher education systems in western countries. The paper tries to demonstrate that a) the Polish higher education system creates a unique opportunity for neo-institutional theory to be critically tested in situation of rapid, spontaneous and dynamic changes that is taking place in the country of long and well-established academic tradition as well as a strong position of the academic community; b) the paper also makes a methodological claim by stating that any analysis that aspire to understand current discussions, conflicts and developments in the Polish higher education cannot ignore its past legacy. To contrary, they need to take seriously into account well institutionalized academic institutions, customs and habits that helped academics to keep universities going under undemocratic conditions.References
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