Scientific movement of students at Polish universities in context of changes within contemporary higher education
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scientific circles
students movement
higher education

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Smużewska, M. (2015). Scientific movement of students at Polish universities in context of changes within contemporary higher education. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(45), 215–233.


Despite massification and declining quality of education at universities, still there is a small percentage of students who want to take actions beyond formal program of education. They associate in small organizations and pick up their first individual research. Scientific movement of students is subjected to the same processes as the entire higher education system is. Text examines the impact of educational massification, mobility, internationalization and commodification on the way scientific circles (the most popular form of the movement) act. Research material comes from individual in-depth interviews that were conducted with student activists and information provided by university administrations. The study distinguishes two types of organizations: traditional scientific circles and small expert organizations. It tries to determine which strategy fits better to current context. Just like the idea of university needs new consideration also the scientific movement of students requires the attention too. Entire sector desperately needs a fundamental change.
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