Beyond university-factory. Conditions for operation of “transnational association of capitals”
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transnational association of capitals
higher education
immaterial labour
global university rankings
Thomson Reuters

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Szadkowski, K. (2015). Beyond university-factory. Conditions for operation of “transnational association of capitals”. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (1(45), 235–267.


Recently, within the critical higher education research much attention has been devoted to discussions over a (more rhetorical than analytical) figure of the university as a factory. It was assumed that this will offer a focused view on all the negative changes experienced by the academic faculty and connected with the contemporary transformations of the university. In reality, however, this has contributed primarily to hypostatize the mechanisms proper for private enterprises on working conditions in public universities, making it impossible to explain the processes occurring within them. This article proposes a more systemic approach uncover the relations between capital and labour within the landscape of global higher education. For this purpose the figure of transnational associations of capital was introduced and contextualized. The focus has been placed on the analysis of one of its specific factions, namely the commercial capital, understood as oligopolistic transnational academic publishers. The article shows the basic conditions of viability of operations of this faction, the most important being the development of global university rankings. In the last part the tools offered by postoperaist thinkers were used in order to show the relationship forged between the transnational commercial capital and academic labour as a general form of the relationship between capital and biopolitcal labour, where the key role is played by the ability of capital to establish a proper measurement framework.
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„Europejskie uniwersytety flagowe

w poszukiwaniu równowagi między doskonałością akademicką a zobowiązaniami wobec społeczeństwa i gospodarki (FLAGSHIP)” finansowany ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki (UMO-2013/10/M/HS6/00561)


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