The author attempts at identifying the students’ expectations associated with vocational degree courses and how those expectations are fulfilled. According to the current law, vocational studies cover engineering studies and bachelor’s degree courses. The students at those courses make up 43% of all university students in Poland. The question about the type of education offered within the so-called short degree programmes refers to a phenomenon which represents a considerable share of Poland’s higher education as a whole. The discussion is based on empirical studies conducted in 2000-2002. The author uses official rhetoric of applicable legislation and common knowledge as points of reference for her interpretation. This approach seems particularly justified with regard to bachelor’s degree [licencjat], a new quality in the Polish higher education system and on the job market. The law unifies bachelor’s degree courses and gives them a vocational status, i.e. describes them as industry-oriented, offering a considerable portion of specialised knowledge, practical training as an essential element of education and a shorter (3-4 years) period of study (vs. master’s degree courses). In public perception, government-funded academic institutions carry bachelor’s degree holders to the level which corresponds to the first level of general university studies, i.e. prepares them for further education rather than a specific occupation. In contrast, bachelor’s degree courses in other types of higher education establishments have a vocational focus. Research results have not fully confirmed that this aggregate approach would be justified, yet they provide a picture which is closer to common knowledge.
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