The author ponders over institutional redefinition of universities operating on the international education market. In his opinion, institutional transformation is the key competitive advantage of a university in the ever faster changing environment. The problem of institutional transformation is considered in two contexts: on the one hand, as ‘historical necessity’ which the managements of universities must tackle (the context of internationalisation or the Bologna process appear here as necessary, ‘statutory’ aspects of transformation). On the other hand, institutional transformation is considered as a creative management process: conscious, based on knowledge and understanding of market-driven management to prevent universities from turning into brick-and-mortar backwater. In this context, institutional transformation appears as market strategy, less or more effective, based largely on trial and error rather than any ‘golden mean’. The author refers to two models: a Humboltian university and the American concept of entrepreneurial university. In his opinion, both models co-exist in contemporary higher education, and we are witnessing clashing arguments and views elevating the former while simultaneously discrediting the other. The author does not intend to propose a final resolution of this dispute, and any authoritative assertions made earlier than two years in advance may be perceived as charlatanry. Moreover, another vision of university has appeared on the horizon, labelled ad hoc as ‘knowledge-based university’. The author’s intent was to identify trends, more or less advanced, in increasingly commercialised higher education: globalisation and regionalisation of universities with parallel departure from the model of national universities; decentralist transformations of university structures; relations between universities and industry; competitive pressure from other players active in the education sector.
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