Publication-Based Funding: The Norwegian Model
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Norwegian model
social sciences
research evaluation

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Sivertsen, G. (2017). Publication-Based Funding: The Norwegian Model. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, 49(1(49), 47–60.


The ‘Norwegian Model’ attempts to comprehensively cover all the peer reviewed scholarly literatures in all areas of research – including the preferred formats and languages of scholarly publishing in the humanities – in one single weighted indicator which makes the research efforts comparable across departments and faculties within and between research institutions. This article describes the main components of the model and how it has been implemented, as well as the effects and experiences in three of the countries that are making use of the model, and where it has been evaluated: Belgium (Flanders), Denmark and Norway. The article concludes with a discussion of the model from the perspective of the humanities.
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