How the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw has been changing during the years 1991-2016
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Faculty of Mathematics
Informatics and Mechanics University of Warsaw
University Study-Oriented System (USOS)
recruitment of students
Bologna system
service courses
inbred of faculty
sharing resources
financial bonuses

How to Cite

Jackowski, S. (2017). How the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw has been changing during the years 1991-2016. Nauka I Szkolnictwo Wyższe, (2(50), 223–247.


We describe how the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw (Faculty MIM for short) has been changing during the years 1991-2016. These changes were motivated by a change of the political system in Poland, affecting academic life, as well as the growing import_ance of Computer Science (Informatics). Moving MIM’s faculty to another building was a catalyst for change, giving the community a chance to reevaluate various aspects of academic life. In the new environment faculty members were treated more as individual researchers rather than employees of various organizational units. Improved working conditions helped to create a sense of community. An import_ant goal was to achieve a synergy effect resulting from the close collaboration of mathematicians and computer scientists. The faculty of MIM acted against the fragmentation of the university, which was typical of Poland during the last decade of the 20th century. It initiated a university-wide recruitment system for students, produced and introduced innovative software (University Study-Oriented System (USOS)) and paid special attention to service courses in mathematics and computer science. Long before the introduction of the Bologna system, the five-year curriculum at MIM was divided into bachelor and master programs that contained an extended range of elective courses. To meet the requirements of the quickly changing disciplines and to motivate young researchers, a flat organization structure of the Faculty was introduced. An import_ant element of a transparent Human Resources policy is a system of financial bonuses for the most active researchers and teachers. We emphasize that the global character of mathematical sciences, and the tradition of the Warsaw mathematical school, are key factors forming standards and values of the community.
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Wydział Matematyki

Informatyki i Mechaniki UW




zajęcia usługowe

system boloński



chów wsobny

współdzielenie zasobów







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Jackowski, S., Mincer-Daszkiewicz, J. (2005). Przez Internet na studia. Forum Akademickie. 3: 41-43.

Katalog przedmiotów.

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Program „Jakość przez jawność”.

Raport o zasobach przestrzennych w zgrupowaniu „Centrum” oraz o potrzebach przestrzennych na działalność naukową i dydaktyczną wybranych jednostek UW.

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Uniwersytet Warszawski, WMIM. Informator dla studentów I roku kierunku informatyka, I i II roku kierunku matematyka dziennych studiów magisterskich w roku akademickim 1995/96.