Dead Rescuers: The Commemoration of Poles Who Lost Their Lives Saving Jews During the Second World War


dead rescuers
Righteous Among the Nations
Holocaust memory
historical policy

How to Cite

Łysak, T. (2023). Dead Rescuers: The Commemoration of Poles Who Lost Their Lives Saving Jews During the Second World War . Porównania, 34(2), 123–138.


After their electoral victory in 2015, the Law and Justice party started a counter-revolution in historical policy, intended to undermine critical historiography on the Holocaust. As a result, “dead rescuers,” Poles who lost their lives saving Jews during the Second World War, are commemorated by a host of institutions: a government-sponsored research institute, museums, and the Catholic Church. This commemoration borrows its aesthetics from earlier practices established in Holocaust memory: post-traumatic architecture, lists of victims, and micro-history to boost national pride and defend the good name of Poland abroad. Memory actors receive financial support from the government, becoming a mouthpiece for its reclaiming of the past for ethnonationalist ends.


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