The article draws on Ewa Thompson’s concept of Imperial Knowledge as developed in her seminal book on Russian Literature and Colonialism, and understood here as a system of narratives developed by imperial ideologues (including cultural activists) with two intertwined goals: to glorify the empire, its supposedly great, “universal” culture and “unique” historical role, and, on the other hand, to undermine and depreciate the cultures of subordinate nations, deprive them of any agency and visibility. The author argues that Thompson’s book, despite some minor flaws and inaccuracies, remains highly topical, and her critical approach to imperial tenets in the most prominent works of Russian literature paves a way for much-needed deconstruction of “imperial knowledge”, that heavily influenced the West and its (mis)perceptions of Russia and Russia’s colonies.
Bigg, Claire. Was Soviet Collapse Last Century’s Worst Geopolitical Catastrophe? Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. https://www.rferl.org/a/1058688.html. Accessed 24 September 2024.
Cassidy, Steven. [Untitled, review of Ewa Thompson’s book]. Slavic Review 60.4 (2001): 880–881. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/2697543
Kishkovsky, Sophia. “No one can interfere with our offensive”: Hermitage director Mikhail Piotrovsky compares Russian export of culture to country’s [military] “operation” in Ukraine. The Art Newspaper. https://tinyurl.com/w7uxhvhj. Accessed 24 September 2024.
Thompson, Ewa. Imperial Knowledge: Russian Literature and Colonialism. West¬port: CT and London: Greenwood, 2000.
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