О журнале

In order to maintain the highest quality of the papers published in the journal, the Editing Team, the Editorial Board and the Scientific Board of "Porównania" make sure that all the intellectual property rights are observed, the reliability of content is maintained and ethical standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are observed at all stages of processing the scientific papers. These standards define final and irrefutable rules that govern the reviewing process and editing of the papers. The Editing Team, the Editorial Board and the Scientific Board of "Porównania" declare that compliance with the rules is not influenced by any ties to business.

In accordance with the above, the following duties of all parties engaged in the reviewing process have been established:


The Editing Team of "Porównania" is obliged to:

  1. decide whether or not to publish a paper only on the grounds of the scientific value of the paper and not the ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, sex, citizenship or outlook of the author;

  2. make objective decisions with regards to accepting the papers for publishing and provide the authors with a justified decision;

  3. provide the rules of the reviewing process on the journal's webpage;

  4. maintain full anonimity of the reviewing process and not disclose the contents of the review to a third party;

  5. withdraw a paper from the reviewing process in case of conflict of interest with the author;

  6. inform the authors about any suggestions for changes in the papers excluding technical editing.

Lack of compliance with the above on the part of a member of the Editing Team will result in a warning from the Editor-in-Chief and, in case of gross negligence, may include the decision to dismiss the member and inform the relevant institutions (employers, scientific institutions, institutions that finance science or the ministry of science).

     Please report suspicions of ethics breach to the Editing Team: comparis@amu.edu.pl or Wydawnictwo "Poznańskie Studia                   

     Polonistyczne"  psp@amu.edu.pl .


The authors of the papers sent for review to "Porównania" are obliged to:

  1. declare that the paper sent for review to "Porównania" has not been sent for review to another journal;

  2. cooperate with the journal's Editing Team to exchange information regarding the review and edition of the papers;

  3. disclose any information regarding previous partial or full publications of the text;

  4. disclose funding of the research that is presented in the papers;

  5. disclose all the authors of the papers;

  6. obtain permission for publication of elements with copy rights (e.g. illustrations, photos);

  7. disclose information about a potential conflict of interest that may arise in the reviewing and editing process;

  8. expressing an intent to publish with “Porównania" is tantamount to agreeing with points 1 and 2.

Lack of compliance with the above rules will result in the Editor-in-Chief's decision not to publish the paper and, in cases of gross negligence, may include informing appropriate institutions (employers, scientific institutions, institutions that finance science or the ministry of science).

Please report suspicions of lack of compliance with the above rules to the Editing Team: comparis@amu.edu.pl .


The reviewers of the papers sent for review to "Porównania" are obliged to:

  1. review the papers in a thorough and objective way in compliance with the ethical standards refraining from non-scientific critique;

  2. attempt to increase the scientific value of the reviewed papers to the best of their ability;

  3. refrain from reviewing should the topic of the reviewed paper not be withins the scope of the reviewer's expertise and/or they suspect a conflict of interest with the author;

  4. inform the Editing Team in case of breach of ethical standards in the reviewed paper including, first and foremost, plagiarims and autoplagiarism;

  5. keep all information regarding the reviewing process confidential.

Lack of compliance of the reviewer with the above rules will result in the Editor-in-Chief's decision to annul the review and, in case of gross negligence, may include informing the appropriate institutions (employers, scientific institutions, institutions that finance science or the ministry of science).

Please report suspicions of lack of compliance with the above rules to the Editing Team: comparis@amu.edu.pl .