Values in relation to student’s open interpretations. The space of the axiological design of the reading situation
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open interpretation

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Sporek, P. (2018). Values in relation to student’s open interpretations. The space of the axiological design of the reading situation. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (7), 129–140.


The following text concerns values revealated in free student’s opinions. The first point of reference for the issue mentioned above was to search for the axiological image of young generation. The second point of reference is the presence of values in the teaching of the Polish literature and language. Further part of the text describes the koncept of planning the lesson based on the use of students’ opinions (open interpretations), which if organised in a planned and conscious way, could stimulate students’ participation and facilitate reading while dealing with literature discussed at school. Materials obtained this way show the axiological thinking of young people. The way the axiological thinking of young people mentioned in the topic has been discussed in reference to the exemplifying material, which constituted the record of student’s opinions gathered during Polish language classes regarding the very first reception of a literary text chosen for discussion. These selected cultural texts are: The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Córka czarownic by Dorota Terakowska and Troy directed by Wolfgang Petersen. In the conclusion the author drew attention to the importance of free student’s statements for cultural and literary education and to discover the axiological diagnoses of students.
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