PISA: reading, reasoning, under standing and – misunderstandings
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reading literacy

How to Cite

Biedrzycki, K. (2020). PISA: reading, reasoning, under standing and – misunderstandings. Polonistyka. Innowacje, (12), 53–70. https://doi.org/10.14746/pi.2020.12.4


The article is a synthetic presentation of the assumptions and results of the PISA study. The article discuses methodology of assessment, ways of doing it and forms of tasks. Particular attention is paid to the main field from the year 2018, i.e. the under standing of the text being read. Basic concepts related to the text, the situation of the reader, and the act of reading were explained. The following sections discuss the results, ta king into account other areas (mathematics, life sciences), historical changes and comparisons with other countries. The results of contextual research were also presented, which give the opportunity to examine the climate of Polish schools, teaching methods, and students’ well-being. Finally, a proposal for the interpretation of the results is presented.

PDF (Język Polski)


PISA 2018. Assessment and Analytical Framework, https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/b25efab8-en.f?expires=1601304757&id=id&accname=guest

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