The paper is an English translation of Przyczynek do rozważań nad stosunkiem prawa międzynarodowego do prawa rzymskiego by Bohdan Winiarski, published originally in Polish in “Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny” in 1934. The text is published as a part of a jubilee edition of the “Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review. 100th Anniversary of the Department of Public International Law” devoted to the achievements of the representatives of the Poznań studies on international law.
Annuaire de l’Institut, 1929, vol. I.
Beaufort, La guerre etc., The Hague 1933.
De foro legat, c. XI.
De republica III, 22. De legibus I. 23.
Des fleuves en droit international, Paris 1888.
Dorpat, 1901.
Du droit international concernant les grands cours d’eau, Leipzig, 1861, p. 26.
Engelhardt E., Du régime conventionnel des fleuves internationaux, Paris 1819, p. I ff.
H. S-M., Ancient Law. Its Connection to the History of Early Society and Its Relation to Modern Ideas, Boston 1863.
H. S-M., International Law. The Whewell Lectures, London 1890.
H.E. Dirksens Hinterlassene Schriften, Leipzig 1871, vol. 1.
Kazanskiy P., Rzeki traktatowe, Kazan 1895.
La question du Danube, Paris 1911.
Lauterpacht H., Private Law Sources and Analogies of International Law, London 1927.
Moore J.B., A Digest of International Law, Washington 1906, I, p. 624.
Cf. also H. Wheaton, Histoire des progrès du droit des gens étc., 3rd edition, Leipzig 1853, vol. II, p. 195.
Moore J.B., A Digest of International Law, Washington 1906, I.
Ossig S., Römisches Wasserrecht, Leipzig 1898.
Questiones iuris publici c. VIII in f.