Semantic structure of verbs of movement in Azerbaijani and Polish languages and their lexicographic description

Słowa kluczowe

verbs of movement
phrase formation

Jak cytować

Abdullayeva, S. F. (2016). Semantic structure of verbs of movement in Azerbaijani and Polish languages and their lexicographic description. Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Językoznawcza, 23(2), 11–20.

Liczba wyświetleń: 382

Liczba pobrań: 325


This article analyses semantic structures of verbs of movement in Azerbaijani and Polish languages in currently available dictionaries.  
Fuzziness becomes clearly visible in differentiating various sememes in the structure of the content of the words. In bilingual dictionaries  right, decal part periodically copies the left. Thus, units of the second language are described under the influence of the units of the first language. Comparison of verbs of movement in Azerbaijani and Polish languages shows that these verbs disproportionately affect asymmetry, but in Azerbaijani language it is conveyed more vividly. In both languages the basic sememe  gives rise to metaphorical conceptualization and engagement in phrase formation based on the integration of a natural movement form.
Analysis of the existing dictionaries indicates that the semantic structure of the verbs of movement1 is not always accurately revealed in the process of lexicographic description. Consequently, one of the directions of an exploratory research should be aimed at identifying discrepancies, their explanation and motivation of the proposed correction. In this article we’ll review an expression of sememe “crawl” in Azerbaijani and Polish languages.


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