The Discworld by Terry Pratchett is one of the most famous English fantasy series in the world. It has been translated into several languages, including Polish. The text, however, caused several translation difficulties and problems which have been solved in different ways by Piotr Cholewa, the author of the translation. These problems and solutions are the subject of this article that presents samples of translation with a short commentary.
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Leonardi Vanessa (2018), Equivalence in Translation: Between Myth and Reality, http://translationjournal.net/journal/14equiv.htm [dostęp: 12 października 2019].
Jörn Albrecht (2005), Grundlagen der Übersetzungsforschung. Übersetzung und Linguistik, Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen
Kade Otto (1968), Zufall und Gesetzmäßigkeit in der Übersetzung, Verlag Enzyklopädie, Lipsk.
Lipiński Krzysztof (2006), Vademecum tłumacza, Idea, Kraków.
Nida Eugene (1964), Toward a science of translating, E. J. Brill, Leiden.
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Pratchett Terry (2009), The Fifth Elephant, HarperCollins e-books, New York.
Pratchett Terry (2013), Piąty Elefant, przeł. Piotr Cholewa, Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa.
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