Czasami jestem (czytając wiersz McDonald’s)

Słowa kluczowe

modern poetry
analysis of literary work
the art of interpretation

Jak cytować

Próchniak, P. (2012). Czasami jestem (czytając wiersz McDonald’s). Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka, (19), 211–220.


The present sketch proposes an interpretation of one of the most important poems of the early poetry written by Marcin Świetlicki. At the same time, the reading of the poem is paired with a simultaneous analytical interpretation providing the standard analytical scheme usually applied to any poetical work (this scheme is based on a sequence of recognitions that refer to: 1. writing, 2. euphony, 3. semantics of spaces concentrated with meaning, 4. the structure of the presented world. A presentation of the four fundamental steps in the analysis is accompanied with a reflection on the paradox of interpretation, the corresponding model of which is in the poem the outlined mirror image of identity between the “opaque” depth and “overt” surface.


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