Dublin na (tekstualnej) scenie. O dramatyzacji przestrzeni w Ulissesie Jamesa Joyce’a

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drama theory
history of literature

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Kozłowski, P. (2020). Dublin na (tekstualnej) scenie. O dramatyzacji przestrzeni w Ulissesie Jamesa Joyce’a. Przestrzenie Teorii, (34), 165–190. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2020.34.7


The author investigates how James Joyce stylizes the space in his novel Ulysses for drama. For this purpose he carries out a comparative analysis of some episodes in this book. This analysis leads to the conclusion that Joyce transposes some dramatic genres and specifically dramatic writing techniques, especially associated with August Strindberg. Kozłowski emphasizes the dramatic character of some motifs that create spatial conditions in Joyce’s novel. Furthermore, he compares these motifs with the literary works of the greatest modern dramatists.



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