O(d)graniczenie, zaczarowanie i sztuka rozróżniania – o prozie Toni Morrison

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McClure, J. (2010). O(d)graniczenie, zaczarowanie i sztuka rozróżniania – o prozie Toni Morrison. Przestrzenie Teorii, (13), 297–319. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2010.13.13




Enclosures, Enchantments, and the Art of Discernment. Toni Morrison, [w:] J.A. McClure, Partial Faiths. Postsecular Fiction in the Age of Pynchon and Morrison, The University of Georgia Press, Athens 2007, s. 100-111, 118-130.

B. Lane, Landscapes of the Sacred, Paulist Press, New York 1988, s. 19.

E. Said, The World, the Text, and the Critic, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1983, s. 290.

T. Pynchon, Vineland, Little, Brown, Boston 1990, s. 232.

T. Kushner, Angels in America, Theater Communications Group, New York 1994.

T. Morrison, Umiłowana, przeł. R. Gorczyńska, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków 2007, s. 119.

T. Morrison, Interview with Toni Morrison, by Ch. Davis, [w:] Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present, eds H.L. Gates Jr., K.A. Appiah, Amistad Press, New York 1993, s. 414-415.

T. Morrison, An Interview with Toni Morrison, by N. McKay, [w:] Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present, dz. cyt., s. 409-410.

T. Morrison, Raj, przeł. Z. Batko, Prószyński i S-ka, Warszawa 1999, s. 217.

T. Morrison, A Conversation, by G. Naylor, T. Morrison, „The Southern Review” 1989, R. XXV, nr 3, s. 585-586.

T. Morrison, An Interview with Toni Morrison, by N. McKay, [w:] Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present, dz. cyt., s. 409.

T. Morrison, „The Language Must Not Swear”: A Conversation with Toni Morrison, by T. LeClair, [w:] Toni Morrison: Critical Perspectives Past and Present, dz. cyt., s. 375.

M. Walzer, Exodus and Revolution, Basic Books, New York 1985, s. 7.

E. Said, Michael Walzer’s „Exodus and Revolution: A Canaanite Reading, „Grand Street” R. V, nr 2, 1986, s. 91.

E.S. Glaude Jr., Exodus and the Politics of Nation, [w:] Race Consciousness: African American Studies for the New Century, eds J. Jackson Fossett, J.A. Tucker, New York University Press, New York 1997, s. 126.

A.J. Raboteau, Slave Religion: The „Invisible Institution” in the Antebellum South, Oxford University Press, New York 1978, s. 311.

D.W. Wills, Exodus Piety: African American Religion in an Age of Immigration, [w:] Minority Faiths and the American Protestant Mainstream, ed. J.D. Sarna, University of Illinois Press, Urbana 1998, s. 154-155.

J. Bennett, The Enchantment of Modern Life, Princeton University, Princeton 2001, s. 156.

P. Elie, The Life You Save May Be Your Own, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 2003, s. 181.

I. Osagie, Is Morrison Also Among the Prophets?, „African American Review”, R. XXVIII, nr 3, 1994, s. 430.

R. Gorczyńska, Od tłumaczki, [w:] T. Morrison, Umiłowana, dz. cyt., s. 362-363.

M. DeKoven, Utopia Limited: The Sixties and the Emergence of the Postmodern, Duke University Press, Durham 2004, s. 287.