Artefakt kulturowy w humanistyce

Słowa kluczowe

analiza kulturowa
komparatystyka literacko-kulturowa

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Grodecka, A. (2015). Artefakt kulturowy w humanistyce. Przestrzenie Teorii, (23), 53–69.


This article is devoted to the concept of an artifact, as derived from older methodological knowledge (J. Białostocki and E. Panofsky), which has been broadened to include new indicators, such as changes of the virtual era as well as the categories of experience and reflections on narration. By reconstructing the phenomenon of artifacts, the author refers to the category of ‘reality’ according
to Heidegger and W. Toporow as well as the ideas of a ‘sign’ and ‘theme’, and Polish artistic practice (T. Kantor and Z. Herbert). The concept is situated within the arts as well as within a contextualized area of the social sciences (an actant) and aims to offer new perspectives on the study of culture.


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