New media dramaturgy and postdigital performance. User experience design of contemporary performing arts
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post-digital performance
new media dramaturgy
user experience design
performing arts
Blast Theory

How to Cite

Kłeczek, J. . (2021). New media dramaturgy and postdigital performance. User experience design of contemporary performing arts. Przestrzenie Teorii, (36), 109–125.


The paper aims to answer the question – to what extent is the current reflection on user experience design in performing arts still valid? The text discusses the concept of post-digital performance (Causey); and the phenomenon of user experience design in the face of new media dramaturgy (Eckersall, Grehan, Scheer). From the perspective of these concepts and phenomena, I describe two works (To Like or Not to Like by Interrobang and Karen by Blast Theory). The text complements the discussion on performance artists’ approaches to media technologies. In this paper, I describe the changes in designing the relationships of performers and users (individualization and personalization) and the contexts of everyday media practices in artists’ strategies.
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