The article deals with dramaturgy in the broad sense of the term – as a written creative work and the characteristic feature of human activities: artistic and social. The starting point for these discussions is the publication of an anthology of Paweł Demirski’s theatrical texts commissioned by the National Stary Theatre in Krakow. The book is an excellent testimony to stage creativity because it contains conversations with the author and actors about the stages of work in the performance. The article presents reflections on the dramaturgy of the process of creating a text and a theatrical performance, the characteristics of Paweł Demirski’s writing and the content arrangement in the anthology. Reading this book is a peculiar aesthetic experience and a challenge for the reader. The dramaturgy of the message leads to the dramaturgy of its reception: the reader updates and co-creates meanings of theatrical texts, according to individual knowledge and sensitivity. Aesthetic experience is shaped by combining different mental spaces: it is reading a text / seeing a performance.
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Zawód: dramaturg, „Notatnik Teatralny” 2010, nr 58–59.
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