The author pays attention to the need to search new keys of interpretation of the ouevre of Ewa Lipska, recognising that the constant distinguishing feature is the anthropological aspect. The main thesis of the article is as follows: Lipska’s poetry may be treated as a particularly important evidence of cultural experiences. Also attention is focused by the author on the poetic phenomenology of sensual perception, its reflection in the awareness and memory of the subject, and also distinguishes “cultural memory” as an effect of experience. She also states that Ewa Lipska’s works are a criticism of culture – both of the so called PRL’s (Polish People’s Republic’s) culture and the later one, called the postmodern culture. The poet exposes myths and threats of post-modernity, however, the cultural experience as recorded in her works is of ambivalent character: on the one hand, it contains a negative feeling of domination of man’s existence by cyberculture, and on the other, shows the deepening and sharpening of the critical awareness of the subject, who defends himself against the inauthenticity of experience.References
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